Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Alter Ego...Yogini Storm Chaser

Anyone that knows me knows how much I love storms. Some of my best childhood memories are of me and Dad sitting on the front porch in NJ watching the storms come in. My mom would say that when the leaves would all flip over a storm was coming, of course I have no idea if that's really true but I believed it and still do! We would get so excited, we'd sit on the porch and often got soaked from the sideways rain hitting us. It was exhilarating to witness the sky as it turned to smokey grey as the energy of the thunderclouds began rolling above us.  I joke around a lot because sometimes I say I missed my calling to be a meteorologist/storm chaser. I’m not much of a TV watcher but if you asked my husband and even 5 yr old son they would both tell you that the first station I put on is the weather station.  Storm Stories and Tornado Alley are my personal favorites.   

It’s ironic that I teach yoga and hold space for people to calm the storms of the mind.  I'm able to give my students different breath work and relaxation techniques, visualizations, essential oils and yoga postures... but deep down I know I'm the girl that would hanging onto the pole reporting the bad weather and loving every second of it!

I'm currently in Kansas right now experiencing a series of mid west thunderstorms.  Last night I was listening to the rain hit the roof as the wind howled.  The night sky light up every few seconds and the house would literally shake from the thunder...exciting and terrifying all at the same time.  I'm now sitting on the back porch experiencing another thunder storm, breathing in the clean air, feeling so grateful for this beautiful life of mine. 

I get the amazing opportunity to spend the next few months flying back and forth to Wichita to lead my 9th 200hr YogaWorks Teacher Training to another group of Firefly Yogis.  I'm sure I will have lots of inspiration to share.  Thanks for reading.

Namaste' Sweet People


Friday, June 27, 2014

So, you’re thinking about taking Teacher Training are you?

Here’s just a sampling of what you can expect to gain from the experience.

There are several reasons why someone might consider spending their weekends in Teacher Training…

1. You really love yoga and want to deepen your understanding of the practice.
2. There’s a possibility you want to change careers and become a yoga teacher because you’ve seen the benefits first hand.
3. Your teacher told you that you were ready, and you also heard it would change your life.
4. You wake up one day with the realization that there has to be more to life, more to the practice, more than achieving handstand away from the wall, more than chaturanga, more to this body that you’re living in.  

But there is a lot of fear around this idea.  These are some of the things I’ve heard…

1.     I can’t do an arm balance
2.     I’m not able to get into handstand at the wall let alone in the middle of the room
3.     Don’t think I’m strong enough, young enough, etc
4.     Haven’t been practicing for years and years
5.     I have an injury or I’m pregnant
6.     Blah, blah, blah I could go on and on about this one

The reality is anyone could have this experience regardless of age, size, physical limitations, injuries or pregnancy.  When I took my first training I couldn’t even get up into handstand at the wall, the reality is that many students can’t and it’s still OK!

Here’s a little snap shot of some delicious things you get to experience during your time in TT.  I hope it peaks your interest a bit!

The Study of Anatomy and Subtle Body:
Teacher Training will will give you an in-depth study of the body, how it moves, how it functions and how things connect.  You will learn basic anatomy along with Subtle Body. Understanding the physical body is made up different layers, which we get to explore through movement, pranayama, meditation and the practice of mindfulness. 

The Art of Sequencing:
You will be taught how to sequence a class so your students leave feeling strong yet relaxed. Your ability to sequence will keep your students coming back time and time again.  This is one the most important aspects of becoming a good yoga teacher, if you can grasp the concept of sequencing you will be a successful teacher.

The Ability to See Body Structure:
Through a series of posture labs you have the opportunity to train you eye. In looking at different body types it helps you go beyond the clothes and skin and examine what the actual structure looks like on the inside so you understand what to adjust.  

The Art of Touch:
Hands on adjustments are a great way to help the tactile learners who understand better through touch.  You will different types of touch, when to adjust and how to properly assist a student in a post

Finding your Voice:
You will be asked to practice teach poses each week so you find your voice.  Once you learn the asana points for each asana you are encouraged to practice teach out loud to yourself in the car, in the shower, to your cat, your dog, your kids, your spouse and anyone else whose willing to listen to you.  In order to find your voice you must be willing to use it, and sometimes that means we need to be a little vulnerable.

The Physical Practice
Each day there will be 2.5hr practice that supports the theme of the day. The lectures and activities will reinforce what was taught in the practice and there will always be time for review and questions.  The asana practices will cover everything from standing poses, seated postures, sun salutations, backbends, forward bends, inversions, restoratives, injury management, arm balances and how to teach beginners.

The philosophy is always a crowd pleaser and this is one of the most exciting topics. Students are typically unaware of all other aspects of Yoga and this really opens everyone up to explore the different limbs and how they relate to their life.  In my opinion the philosophy is a turning point for most students and it allows for this amazing opportunity to see beyond the physical practice and get a better sense of the whole picture.  After studying the yoga sutra’s your perspective is bound to change and these sutra’s have had a profound affect on many lives.

If you’ve been sitting on the edge of the diving board, contemplating year after year I encourage you to take a chance and dive in.  The water is not as cold and scary as you may anticipate.

I hope to see you on your mat or maybe even in my upcoming training: 

~August 2014, Wichita Kansas- extended 7 week format that meets every 3 weeks
~January 2015, Valencia YogaWorks, extended 6mo format that meets every other weekend…perfect if you have a full time job and a family to take care of.  

This is a wonderful opportunity to do something for yourself, something that will enhance every aspect of your life.  More info on my website 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

Namaste’ Sweet People